Triennial Assessment Tool

Every three years or more often if the district desires, the district must conduct an assessment of the wellness policy that is made
available to the public. The evaluation must address:

  • Compliance with the district policy
  • The extent to which the local wellness policy compares to the Model Wellness Policy
  • Progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy

The first triennial assessment should be completed by June 30, 2023 or earlier. The second triennial assessment is due 3 years from the completion of the first triennial assessment. Districts are required to make the Local Wellness Policy and Triennial Assessment available to the public.

Date of Assessment: Name of School District: Number of Schools in District:
Nutrition Education Goal(s): Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Physical Education Class Weekly In progress Elementary & Middle
2. Nutrition Unit in Class Not completed Elementary & Middle This is something AUA plans to implement once the Wellness committee meets.
3. Choose an item
4. Choose an item
5. Choose an item
Nutrition Promotion Goal(s): Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Cafeteria menus and nutrition information available through the school website Complete Elementary & Middle Our updated menus are always on the website
2. Cafeteria menus and nutrition information available through the school Newsletter Complete Elementary & Middle Our updated menus are always in the monthly newsletter
3. Cafeteria menus and nutrition information available through Front Office Posting Complete Elementary & Middle
4. Choose an item
5. Choose an item
Physical Activity Goal(s): Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. 30-45 minutes of outdoor recess daily In Progress Elementary We will be in a new space with a gym, therefore physical education will be implemented more for both elementary & middle.
2. “Brain Break” time is included in the classroom structure for at least 5 minutes Partially completed Elementary Our middle academy will experience more movement and brain breaks.
3. 25 minutes of Yoga daily Partially completed Elementary
4. Choose an item
5. Choose an item
Other School-Based Activities that Promote Student Wellness Goal(s): Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Health Fair Completed Elementary & Middle Wellness and Movement Days are implemented throughout the school year
2. Field Day Completed Elementary & Middle
3. TV Turnoff Week Not complete
Choose an item
Choose an item
Nutrition Guidelines for All Foods and Beverages Sold to Students Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Must comply with the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools nutrition standards Completed Elementary & Middle
2. Choose an item
3. Choose an item
4. Choose an item
5. Choose an item
Nutrition Guidelines for All Foods and Beverages Not Sold to Students
(i.e., classroom parties, foods given as reward)
Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Prohibit the use of food as a reward or as part of a celebration. Complete Elementary & Middle
2. Social rewards for rewards and celebrations Complete Elementary & Middle Students have classroom celebrations that may consist of ice cream or pizza (allergies are always considered).
3. Privileges for rewards and celebrations Complete Elementary & Middle Students have classroom celebrations that may consist of ice cream or pizza (allergies are always considered).
4. Rewards for class for rewards and celebrations Complete Elementary & Middle
5. Toys/Trinkets for rewards and celebrations Complete Elementary & Middle This is overseen by our culture team
Policies for Food and Beverage Marketing
Goal Status
(select one):
Number of Compliant Schools: Notes:
1. Prohibit the marketing and advertising of all foods and beverages that do not meet Smart Snacks nutrition standards on the school campus during the school day from the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the school day Complete Elementary & Middle We update our “Nutrition Tab” on the website often with important information.
2. Choose an item
3. Choose an item
4. Choose an item
5. Choose an item
Wellness Policy Leadership
Name of school official(s) who are responsible to ensure compliance.
Title and School Notes:
1. T’Kerra Neyland Operations Assistant Nutrition primary point of contact
2. Barry Williams Head of Schools
3. Ty’Sheka Lambert Operations Consultant
Wellness Committee Involvement
List of committee members’ names
Title and Organization Notes:
1. Kayla Sledge 2nd Grade Teacher
2. Alaina Chipman-Leeks Founder/Exec. Direct.
3. T’Kerra Neyland Operation Assistant
4. Barry Williams Head of Schools
5. Ty’Sheka Lambert Operations Consultant
Completed select if you have met this goal at all schools
Partially Completed select if one or more schools has met this goal
In Progress select if you are working on the goal, but none of the schools have met the goal
Not Completed select if you have not begun working on this goal
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