Local Wellness Policy Assessment Comparison to a Model Policy

The Local Wellness Policy Final Rule requires districts to assess the extent to which their Local Wellness Policy aligns with model policies at least once every three years. Use this form to assess how your policy compares to the Model Policy. Identify the areas of strength and success, as well as the areas the district wants to work on in the coming years. Share this form or include the results on the triennial assessment that is shared with the public.

District Name: Atlanta Unbound
Academy Date: June 30, 2023

Yes/No Comments
1 Policy contains specific language regarding nutrition education. Yes Page 8
2 Policy contains specific language regarding nutrition promotion. Yes Page 8 & 9
3 Policy contains specific language regarding physical activity as part of health education. Yes Page 10
4 Policy contains specific language regarding increased student activity including physical activity breaks, active academics, and before and after school activities. Yes Page 11
5 Policy contains specific language regarding health education curriculum requirements on healthy eating. Yes Page 12
6 Policy contains specific language regarding other activities that promote student wellness. This includes community partnerships, family engagement, staff wellness, and professional learning. Yes Page 12
7 Policy contains specific language regarding nutrition requirements established by local, state and federal regulations. Yes Page 3
8 Policy contains specific language regarding competitive foods and beverages. Yes Page 7
9 Policy contains specific language regarding food use in celebrations and rewards. Yes Page 7
10 Policy contains specific language regarding fundraising guidelines. Yes Page 8
11 Policy contains specific language regarding food and beverage marketing in schools. Yes Page 10
12 Policy contains specific language regarding water availability and promotion. No We will add this. Atlanta Unbound Academy ensures the water supply is stocked so that scholars and staff have enough at all times.
13 Policy contains specific language regarding promotion of healthy food and beverages. Yes Page 10
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