Dream Day

July 2, 2021

Free Thinkers are Big Dreamers…

In preparation for the first day of school on August 2, 2021, the AUA Middle Academy Tribe invites you to the First Annual AUA Middle Academy Dream Day led by our Middle Academy Summer Ambassadors (rising 7th grade leaders)!

Will you join us for Dream Day?

(Middle Academy Only) Saturday, July 17, 2021 | 11:30- 1:30 pm. 

The program will be broken up into two sessions:

Session One: Material Pickup
Time: 11:30 am- 12:30 pm

During the first sessions, incoming scholars will pick up importation information, materials, and technology for the upcoming school year. Once scholars receive all materials, they will then be introduced to the core values that drive the tribe’s vision and mission led by existing middle academy scholars. 

Session Two: Q&A 
Time: 12:30 pm- 1:30 pm

During the second session, incoming scholars will have the opportunity to have a question-and-answer session with existing AUA scholars. Families may bring any documents for enrollment that are outstanding.  There will be a formal orientation on July 27th where families will be able to ask questions.  

Welcome Incoming Tribemates! 

The mission of the AUA Dream Day is to serve as a community-based introduction to the AUA Middle Academy experience. The goal of this program is to provide a peer-led safe space for incoming scholars to ask questions, receive information, materials, and technology for the upcoming school year. 

We will host a question-and-answer session to provide a space for scholars and family members to ask any clarifying questions they may have. 

To help promote critical thinking, courage, and compassion in our tribe, Dream Day is led by existing AUA Middle Academy Free Thinkers, along with Middle Academy staff support. 

  • Masks are required to cover the nose and mouth of every person in the building regardless of vaccination status. 
  • Parents of new students are invited to attend but it is not mandatory.  Parents who stay may remain as quiet observers of Tribe Time. 
  • Students should have received The Dreamer book in an AUA package via mail. If you have not received your package, please contact us ASAP at [email protected].

If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Robinson, Middle Academy Lead Teacher, directly at [email protected].
We cannot wait to see everyone on July 17, 2021!

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